
6 months old!

Rowen had his 6 month appointment last week. Here are his stats:
27 inches long (60th percent)
15 lb 14 oz (15th percent)
He had only gained 4 oz in the last month! The Dr. came in and said "He is tall and skinny" I laughed and pinched his little fat rolls and said "Does this look skinny to you?" (Refer to my previous post "Rowen's Rolls" for evidence!)
Anyway, she said he is ready to eat more solids because he is not gaining weight. The only problem is that I have been really reluctant to add new foods, because of his allergies (or, sensitivities as the Dr. calls it.) He has been doing okay on baby rice and oatmeal cereals. But the few fruits and veggies I have tried him on have given him an upset stomach! I feel so bad for him. By this age Makaylee was eating all sorts of baby foods and even some finger foods! I am going to have to do some research to find out the best foods for babies with allergies, because at this point everything we have tried has given him diarrhea. (Sorry too much info!) Poor kid!


Jeni said...

Ahh, the exciting life of babes with allergies. Maybe we should start a support group somewhere... Food should be FUN, not stress.

Tiffany said...

Stef, I hope you don't mind my adding my 2 cents. But you might want to try quinoa ( a grain found in health food stores, eaten a lot in Bolivia) it has......

Quinoa contains a high level of protein and amino acids. It has iron, calcium, phosphorus, Vitamin B and Vitamin E. Technically, it is not a grain but the fruit of the Chenopodium family. Quinoa has a high level of phytic-acid, therefore should always be rinsed and soaked before cooking. You can use quinoa in place of brown rice in any recipe.
It cooks like rice does.
Another grain I would recommend for someone with allergies is millet.

Millet is high in protein and rich in minerals and vitamins, especially riboflavin and lecithin. It is easily digested. Eat as a breakfast cereal or grind and add to breads.

This info is taken from my book "At Tiffany's Table" by Tiffany Perez, copyright 2007.

For fruits and veg, I would suggest that you don't buy any fruits or veg that start with the number 8. (the little sticker you find on produce) If it starts with an 8 that means it was genetically modified or GMO. These are causing allergies in A LOT of people. The way that they genetically modify them is through the seeds. They actually open the DNA of the seed and add Roundup (the fertilizer) and an agent to carry the roundup to all parts of the plant. They often use e-coli to accomplish this. The purpose they have in doing this is, now they can spray the crops "to death" with roundup and it won't kill the plant. Good idea, bad results!
A lot of canned foods are also made with genetically modified foods. You might want to try organic baby food (if you haven't already). If it says organic it can't be genetically modified.
I am not saying this is a "cure-all" but it might help. Good luck.
love, tiff

Stef said...

Thanks for the advice Tiff, I think I will definately give the organic baby food a try. That is very interesting (and scary) about the #8 on produce, I never noticed it before!