
A Pack a Week Habit!

I hate to admit that my baby still takes all his naps in a battery powered swing! Help! He is getting so heavy for his swing, that he is burning through a pack of batteries a week! I have approx. ninety-five used up D batteries in these boxes. I'm saving them because I have heard they are bad for the environment, and you are not supposed to throw them away! So what are you supposed to do with them? I know you are thinking that I just need to make Rowen take his naps in his bed, and you are right. . . but you know how bad habits are so hard to break! If he would just cry-it-out, I could handle it, but he doesn't cry, he just babbles to himself and rolls around in his bed or he'll fall asleep for like 15 minutes and then wake up!


Wendy said...

You are so good to be saving them...I must admit the thought has never crossed my mind. I need to be more green.

Sonya said...

I think I asked you to stop teaching me things!!! I didn't know that you weren't supposed to throw away batteries! Dang!

BTW- Happy Birthday tomorrow! I love that you will always be a little older then me!

Tiffany said...

Miguel can take them to work, they dispose of them the right way. That makes me happy that other people are worried about the environment, the pollution is killing me!!!!

Christen said...

Oh my gosh, I am dying right now! I can't believe all of those batteries!! Poor little chunky Rowen. :)

Yeah, the doctor said she'd let me push the placenta out - isn't that so weird? There are some girls out here who have had problems with her, so I've been worried but we're inducing on MONDAY and a different doctor is on call. Wish me luck!!

Unknown said...

I haven't been on line for a while, I had some catching up to do. If I could have back all the money we have spent on batteries in the years since we have had kids, we could probably buy a car!

kristi said...

I actually just got something in the mail yesterday that said how to dispose of them... how ironic!!It said to properly dispose of Oil, Tires and Batteries, take them to Salt Lake Valley Solid Waste Facility on 6030 West 1300 South M-S 8:00-4:00. Oh, and on your way over, could you pick some up from me!! :)