

Rowen is eating some finger foods now. It is so cute so see him gumming a Cheerio with a big smile on his face, but something has been bugging me for a little while now. . . Why do Cheerios smell like pee? Every time I smell them, I think of pee, and every time I pee, I think of Cheerios!


Holly said...

Whoa - never thought about it before. Yuck!

Hope you don't find anything else he's allergic to!

kristi said...

Stef - I can honestly say I have NEVER thought about that before. But it got me laughing SOOOOO hard. I wish I thought of cereal everytime I was in the bathroom!! HA HA HA HA HA!!! (Did you eat cereal in the bathroom a lot as a kid? Maybe it's just memories coming back to haunt you.....) :)

Tiffany said...

So I just have one question. Can you eat cheerios?
Everytime I cook fresh basil, the smell goes downstairs and smells like cat pee. I wonder if there is basil in cheerios?
Have a great weekend

Katie said...

Honey Nut Cheerios stink too. I haven't identified the smell yet, but it's not pleasant..

Jeni said...

GROSS! I bought some spicy french fries at Albertsons that smell like poo when they are cooking, maybe we should get together for lunch...