
Happy Boy!

Honestly, could a baby look any happier?
You just have to love his crazy hair! I have cut it like 4 times, and it just grows straight up! I don't know what else to do with it, except for just let it be the way it is! I'm sure it would be cute if I could put some gel in it and spike it, but Terry thinks baby hair should be "soft and fluffy!" He he he, he'd be embarassed if he knew that I admited that on this blog, but SINCE HE NEVER READS IT, I can write any thing I want. Right?


Wendy said...

I love the hair!!!!!! What a smooch face!!! (that's a term of endearment in our home)

Holly said...

Aaww, I love the fluffy hair!

Jeni said...

He is so happy! Lovin' the way his "tall and skinny" arms completely fill out that shirt, hee hee!

Mindy said...

It is so much more fun to kiss and feel on your face when it's "soft and fluffy." The last time I posted Tony was trying to get me to come to bed and wondering what I was doing. When I finished I asked if he wanted to see and it occured to me that he's never even seen our blog. Oh well, I'm glad us girls have it.