
I want to be a BABY again!

Does the title of this post sound familiar? Yes, I think I wrote something similar a few weeks ago. Well, today I was opening a "Baby Fresh Food Feeder" (it's this funny little mesh contraption you put fruits in and let the baby suck it so they don't choke.) Well, Makaylee wanted to use it, and I told her no, because it was just for babies. She asked me "Mommy, when I am a baby again, then can I use it?"
I said "Honey, you are not going to be a baby again, you are a big girl now."
"But I want to be a baby again, Please! Being a baby is so FUN!"
At this point, there was big alligator tears, followed by a total meltdown, followed by me rocking my "baby girl" in my arms, and letting her pretend to be a baby for a little while. (Followed by me holding back my own tears.)

Wouldn't it be nice in life, if we could choose when we wanted to be babies, and when we wanted to be "B'dults"? Wouldn't it be nice if I could curl up on my Mom's lap again and be the baby for just a little while longer!


Wendy said...

Sign me up!!!!

Holly said...

Oh, poor little thing. Life is so rough when you're in the middle of being a baby and an adult!

Tiffany said...

I want to be a baby again, just not a teenager, can I skip that part.

Katie said...

How sweet! I can't wait until Jenna can talk a little better to hear some of the things going on in her little brain. How fun!

kristi said...

I'm sure your mom wouldn't mind if you curled up in her lap for a while. :) But I just want to know what happened to wanting to be a b'dult?? Sounds like me. One day it's fun - the next it's not...

Jeni said...

That is so funny because I can remember when you were born and I watched mom & dad carry you everywhere you went and sleep in soft baby blankets - I wanted to be the baby SO BAD! Even now it doesn't seem that bad...except the fruit in a mesh feeder part.

Mindy said...

It cracks me up how similiar our girls are. We are constantly going back and forth between being big enough and still being a baby. Whatever fits the moment huh?