
Oh, Rowen, please just eat!

I know some of you have been waiting to hear how Rowen's feeding evaluation went... Where do I start? The therapist was nice, and empathetic, but I still have WAY more questions than answers. She did what all medical professionals do when they don't have answers, she gave us a referral! (To a GI Dr.) She seems to think that he is purposefully limiting his food intake because his tummy hurts. She thinks he has reflux, due to the symptoms I gave her. The good news is that he chews and swallows correctly. She was really concerned that he isn't gaining weight, and even more concerned that he isn't drinking enough fluids, so I have to 'power pack' his food. That is, I have to add more calories to his food, without adding more bulk. That is REALLY difficult to do when you can't use dairy or soy!! So I have been adding coconut milk, canola oil, and formula powder to his baby foods. He has been tolerating that okay, but as for the fluids, I am at a loss! What do you give a baby to drink when he can't have soy or dairy, and the Dr. says not to give him juice or rice milk because it has so little "nutritional content!" I really am worried about the kid! I keep telling myself that he will not still be eating baby food when he is in kindergarten, right? Someday he will be a big teenager that can eat an entire pizza by himself, right? But for now Rowen, your mommy would get a lot more sleep at night if you would just EAT!!


Christen said...

Stef, this sounds so frustrating! I have a friend out here who went through the same thing with one of her twins (a boy as well) and I'm sure she'd be happy to talk to you -- she knows a lot about a lot of things and she will talk your ear off like you wouldn't believe and that's coming from ME. ha! Anyway, if you want to get in touch with her I can give you her email or phone#. Let me know.

Tiffany said...

I don't know what your Dr. would say about this, but my Dr. would suggest coconut oil, instead of canola oil. I personally love the stuff. good luck!

Jeni said...

I hope my comment doesn't show up twice, it was being weird - Anyway. I am so sorry this is so stressful! I know when we were going through it with Bennett it consumed nearly every thought of every day. You both will be on our prayers - and if you need to borrow Lanie's NG tube, let me know!

cory and tara said...

Stef! I am so sorry. I had no idea how crazy this had become. I wish I had something helpful to say! I will be thinking about you.

kristi said...

SORRY STEF!! I can't imagine how frustrating and stressful that would be. That is very hard. I wish I had some good ideas. Sorry to say I just don't right now. You hear about how the rise of allergies (with gluten, diary, etc.) is getting so much more common - but it's hard when you don't know what it is. You're in our prayers!!

The Hoods said...

oh stef, I am so sorry. That is a hard thing to deal with. I hope that he will soon be able to just sit and eat anything and save you from all this worrying!!

Cheryl said...

Stef, have you guys tried Pedialyte, gatorade or popsicles for fluids? As far as calories go have you checked any of the health food stores, sometimes they sell things in powder form like protein powder with higher calories, you can also try some of the formulas for older kids, like "Enfamil Next Step" (can he have that?) it has a higher calorie total than regular formula. I know that isn't much, but it might help. I'll keep my eyes open at work for any other suggestions for you!