
Grocery Smarts

About a week ago I went to my sis-in-laws "mini enrichment." The teacher was from "Grocery Smarts" and she taught us how to save TONS of money grocery shopping. It sounded to good to be true honestly, she said she fed her family of 5 for $200 a month (like 300-400 less than I spend on my family of 4!) Through their website, you match up manufactures coupons with your favorite stores sales and you end up getting some awesome deals (some items even end up being free!) On my first shopping trip I bought 8 bags of Malt-o-Meal cereal, 6 cans of soup and two pounds of grapes for. . . are you ready for this. . . $9.00! The bottom of my receipt said Today you saved $29.07, I saved 3x more than I spent! (I have the receipt to prove it!) The website is FREE and it is at http://www.grocerysmarts.com/ you have to use the password "g84rcm." Check it out, it is kind of self explanatory, but after going to the class, it made a lot more sense. I am thinking about hosting a class. If any one is interested coming or learning more leave a comment for me or give me a call (the class is free too.)


Tiffany said...

That sounds awesome! Do you think it would save me money, if I only buy produce and meat, not so much on the packaged foods?

Stef said...

Tiff, The website has lists of the sale prices at each store for produce, meat, and packaged items, you may not find as many coupons for produce, but at least you can see where they are on sale (or price match at Walmart.)

kristi said...

Hey Stef - If Jeni doesn't end up doing this class, I will definitely come to yours. Actually, I may as well come to both. Might as well get double help! Anyways - count me in!