
A New Perspective

I recently learned about one of Terry's acquaintances from high school. She has cancer, and a husband, and 3 little boys, and one awesome blog. The first night that I opened it, I could not stop reading, and bawling, and reading for several hours until I got through it. I ripped off this next quote directly from her blog :

"The lesson in Young Womens today was on how we spend our time. Time means so much to me now. Its not like money that can be bought and saved. Its a gift that has to be spent every second. It will all have to be accounted for. Where do we splurge?

I don't want to spend any of my precious time on anger, judgment, or envy. I don't want to spend it on keeping up with the Jones'. I don't want to spend too much of it in front of the TV. I don't want to spend it worrying. I don't want to spend it yelling at my kids. I don't want to spend it alone."

Wow! Can I just say that reading this was an Ah-ha moment for me! She is so positive, and inspiring to me. It has really given me a new perspective! To not take anything for granted, even the little, mundane things we do day-to-day as moms.


Christen said...

Mike said he recognizes her... how sad that she has cancer. Do you know what kind? Wow.

We're not going up to Utah this year. Sad, but it's just too expensive and Mike doesn't want to make the drive. Stinker! :) We'll be in Vegas for 2 weeks if you feel the need to hit the slots! ;) We still need to meet little Rowen before he's not little anymore!

Jeni said...

She hash't written for a week! I am so worried! I may have to have Kathy check up on things. - When you have emotionally recovered from her blog, I have a new read for you that will rip your heart out - a book called "Left to Tell" it is A-MAZE-ING. I'll tell you more later.-Farn

Tiffany said...

I am so glad you found my blog. Thanks for giving me yours.

As for Alisa, she is doing very well. I talked to her mom on Sunday, Dec 15.

kristi said...

I went to her site to check it out and followed the same pattern you did - cry, laugh, cry. And I don't even know her!! That was sure amazing. She must be an amazing person! Thanks for sharing.