
Grandma Joye

A few weeks ago my Grandma called me and told me that she felt some sudden tenderness and swelling in her neck. I told her to go the the Emergency Room, because I thought it was a blood clot. The Radiologist diagnosed her with a blood clot in her jugular vein, and they placed her on blood thinners. She had to give herself shots in her belly for a week! Well, a few days ago she felt like the blood clot moved, so she went back to the Dr. He did another ultrasound and told her that she never had a blood clot, but that she has a mass in her neck around her thyroid! She had a biopsy done on Wednesday, and she just called to tell me that it is Cancer. It is follicular carcinoma of the thyroid. She is still recovering from shoulder replacement surgery a few months ago, and the whole surgery and hospital thing did not go so well for her then! For one thing the heart monitor flat lined during surgery, and they gave her CPR until someone bumped into the monitor, and her heart beat magically returned! (She had not really flat lined, but the heart monitor malfunctioned!) She had a sore sternum for a few weeks!!

I am really concerned about her health, because she is almost 80! But she is so positive, she never ceases to amaze me. She told me that she was in the temple a few days ago, and that she feels really peaceful about it. She thinks everything will go well, and be okay. I am going to try to send her positive thoughts and prayers too. I can be a pessimist at times when it comes to health. Because I am a nurse, I look things up in my big medical books, and I look at worse case scenarios. One of my new favorite quotes is "Whether you think you can do something, or whether you think you can't, you are always right." My Grandma always thinks that she CAN, which is why she is so blessed, and active at her age!

Grandma Joye holding Rowen in the hospital

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