
Milk Connoisseur

I don't think I have mentioned before that Rowen has allergies. He had blood in his diapers when he was about 1 month old, and the Dr. told me to try a dairy free diet! It was really hard at first, because I am a dairy lover! But it worked (for a while.) I switched to soy milk, soy yogurt, and soy ice cream. I got used to the taste, even liked it a little. Then Terry gave him some soy formula one night while I was at work. I got home about a half hour after he had finished it, and he was being fussy. A few minutes later he had projectile vomiting that literally hit the wall across from us! After that, the blood in his stool reappeared! I went back to the Dr. and she suggested I cut out all dairy AND soy! So, then I switched to Rice milk. However, the last sip of rice milk has so much chalky-grain in it that you practically have to chew it! GROSS! So, last week I tried Almond milk, it was my last resort, because it sounded icky. But guess what? It is the closest to milk that I have tried! It's smooth and creamy! Terry even agrees! It's a little expensive, about $2.85 for 1/4 gallon, but I think its worth it. I guess you could call me the milk substitute connoisseur

1 comment:

kristi said...

I've never heard of Almond Milk but I can't believe those prices!!! What sacrifices a mother makes, right?