
Rowen's GI Scope

Just a Rowen update. . . Rowen had an upper GI endoscopy at Primary children's last week. It was no fun! I had to starve him until 2:30 in the afternoon! (But, since he doesn't really like eating, he didn't even fuss about it!) They let me be in the room when they put him to sleep, and it was really hard to walk away from his little sleeping sweetness. I think it may have been more traumatic for me because he at least got to sleep through most of it! But, it only lasted about 20 minutes, everything went well, and every thing looked good! He just has some acid reflux, and it is pretty mild. So-- no allergies, no ulcers, no Chron's disease, nothing really serious! (It WAS a relief, but we still find ourselves in a frustrating spot, having to force feed the kid 5 times a day! ) His GI Dr. has now prescribed Zinc for him to take. Zinc supposedly can stimulate your appetite, and make you hungry. . . Who knew?


Wendy said...

Poor baby I hope he gets his appetite soon!

Holly said...

That has got to be so frustrating not knowing! Hope you find something soon - or at least that he'll start liking food!

Holly said...

That has got to be so frustrating not knowing! Hope you find something soon - or at least that he'll start liking food!

kristi said...

Sorry Stef that you (and he) had to go through that. I'm sure that was hard. Hopefully that Zinc will work. I'm glad to know it's none of those things you were thinking - but sometimes I think that a negative answer is almost as hard as a positive one. You're in our prayers!

Jeni said...

Darn it. I'd trade him apetites...just for a few months? Seriously though - I know how frustrating it is. Hopefully he'll grow out of it?

Tiffany said...

I am so glad Rowan doesn't have anything serious. Hope the zinc works well.