
Why Didn't I Think of This Sooner?

Lately, I have been really jaded with my daily chores! It seriously never ends! I clean up one room, move onto the next, and by the time I turn around room #1 is already destroyed! Every once in a while I make Makaylee help me with some of the cleaning, and the other day I realized that she is old enough to have a little chore chart. Yay! I hit Google up for "Chore Charts
for Kids" and I found this really cool website with free customizable and printable chore charts. You can add their name, their chores, and choose a picture. So cute! Makaylee loves finishing her chores now and putting a sticker on her chart. I don't know how long her enthusiasm will last, but for now I am sure enjoying it!


Wendy said...

you have to ride every second of the enthusiasm. It's so nice when they enjoy doing it, and what a cute chart!!

kristi said...

What a brilliant idea!! I wonder if Logan is old enough yet?? :) I know what you mean about moving from one room to the next. Sometimes I am SOO busy all day and when I sit down at night, I wonder why my house is a disaster. {sigh} such is the life of motherhood, right?

Sonya said...

Is Morgan too young to start this??? How about I try it and let you know! Great idea Stef!
By the way, KK looks so old in that picture on the side! It is really cute! Mel did a great job!

The Hoods said...

That is so cute, I have had one for Makenna up, but I forget about it and it's not as cute as yours. I am going to have to get on that website and printoff a new one!! Great Idea!!