
Happy Fathers Day (Or Something Like It)

On Fathers Day we went up to Crystal Lake with Terry's brother and sis-in-law for picnic. It was beautiful up there, and even a little bit chilly. There was still snow on the ground and some ice in the lake. Makaylee was not having one of her most coordinated days, and was acting kind of spacey, so I was naturally nervous about walking on the board walk. I even said to Eric and Heather "Guess whose child will end up in the lake?" we all laughed, and kept walking. I kept trying to hold Makaylee's hand, but she kept saying "I can do it myselfs! I will be SOOO careful Mommy!" You know where I am going with this. . . I look away for two seconds, and suddenly Terry and Heather are lunging toward the lake, I look up in time to see Makaylee falling through the ice and into the water!!!! She was so disoriented when she landed that she tried to run toward the LAKE instead of the boardwalk! Luckily it wasn't very deep, so she landed on her feet, and only got wet up to her armpits (and luckily Terry reached her before he had to dive in the lake himself.) Poor girl! We stripped her down right there on the boardwalk and wrapped her in a blanket because she was FREEZING! Hmmm. . . sometimes I wonder if I'm a bit of a psychic?

After the lake fiasco we went to visit Terry's parents, by the the end of the evening Makaylee was holding her head and saying her ears hurt. Late that night she had a fever of 103.7 so we took her to the instacare and she had strep throat! (Which explains the lack of coordination!) As we were falling to bed that night I turned to Terry and said "Happy Fathers Day Honey!" He rolled his eyes in a very exaggerated way and his only reply was "We aren't having any more children!"


Wendy said...

oh how frightening...even if you did see it coming, sort of....sorry she got sick, what a bummer. John and I have had that same conversation after almost every traumatizing thin McKay does.....or an all nighter at Kids Care...

Darbee said...

What a day! Glad it's over... and that it was a memorable Father's Day, for sure! :-)

Katie said...

Amen, Terry! 2 kids sounds like plenty to me and I haven't even been to the instacare yet!

Jeni said...

Not sure who I feel worse for...Mak and her cold night and sore ears, Terry's ruined Father's Day, or you having to live with both of them through it. There's always next year, right?

Tiffany said...

No wonder why Mackaylee wasn't feeling quite right. Hope she is doing fine now.

kristi said...

Sounds like there won't be any more kids to pass on the Anderson name?? :) It's funny how maybe sometimes the moments of "I'm just being overparanoid" are really moments of inspiration. But I sure never know the difference. I'm just paranoid all the way around!!

Mindy said...

Sounds almost as good as our father's day although much less dramatic. The whole family was sick. we didn't leave the house. Tony slept all day and didn't eat one bite of his breakfast in bed or dinner. Thank goodness there's next year. I thought Ben broke his leg last week and that was tramatic enough for me.