
Determination Pays Off!

I love how the warm weather brings people together, our neighborhood streets are literally crawling with kids these day. Makaylee wants to be outside playing with her friends CONSTANTLY! Today, I looked out the window to check on her and I saw my neighbor trying to teach her little girl (who is almost 6) how to ride her bike without training wheels. They kept trying for 30-45 minutes, with out much success. I started to reminisce about when I learned how to ride a two wheeler, how my dad took me to the big parking lot at the elementary school, and how I just kept trying and trying until I finally figured it out. I must have been 5 or 6. After I came back to reality I looked out to check on Makaylee again, and I saw her riding around the circle on her bike. I turned to continue cleaning but then I realized that it was not her bike she was riding. As I looked closer I realized that it was the neighbors bike WITHOUT TRAINING WHEELS! My determined little 4 year old taught herself how to ride a two wheeler by herself! I was so shocked, and proud of her! Makaylee came out of the womb, a very intense (and sometimes challenging) child. But as she has gotten older, I realize how those traits are going to be very beneficial to her. I know that she will be able to accomplish anything that she puts her mind too!


Holly said...

Way to go Makaylee!

Julie said...

That's funny - that's how Nathanael and Sarah learned too. I felt so bad when I saw them riding without training wheels and asked them if the neighbor had taught them how, and they said they'd just watched and figured it out. Kids are just SMART these days!!!!

The Hoods said...

That is really neat. I haven't even thought about taking them off of Makenna's but I guess it is about that time. Good Job Makaylee!!

Tiffany said...

Wow that is amazing. Logan just learned to ride a 2 wheeler also, this spring.

Mindy said...

That's awesome. If only potty training could be so easy. Thanks for the moral support. It means alot more coming from someone who has been there. I'm nervous to say the least about school with pregnancy and newborn for the majority of it.

Unknown said...

That smart little Stinker! I didn't know kids could even teach themselves that!

Wendy said...

That's awesome!!!! What a little smartie pants.

kristi said...

That is amazing!! She is a SMART little girl! I'm also jealous that you say your neighborhood is crawling with kids. How fun for her!

kristi said...

Quick comment - I pulled up your site to see if there was anything new, and Logan pointed to Makaylee, smiled and said "Kaylee". It was SOOO cute. I was surprised he even remembered her name from the picture. Obviously she made quite an impact. Hopefully we will see you at Grandma's soon.