
Not the Mommy!

Not the Mommy!
I don't want to be the mommy today.

I want to be the baby.
All I would have to do is open my mouth, and people would feed me.
When I was feeling tired, I would be laid in a soft comfy bed.
I would do something simple like pull-up-to-stand, and people would clap.
If I ever fell or got stuck, someone would always be there to save me.

I want to be the little girl.
The world would seem magical, and would revolve around me.
I would be praised for coloring rainbows and counting to 30.
If I was hungry, a meal would be served to me.
If things got to hard, or if I was scared of the dark, someone would always help me.

I want to be the daddy.
I would get ready for work in the morning while the house was still silent.
I would talk to adults all day long and no one would cry or barf on me.
I would go to lunch with my coworkers, and laugh about stuff that really is funny.
If my day got too stressful, I could walk away and take a candy bar break.

I am the Mommy.
I am the arms that rock the baby.
The steady hands that keep my kids safe.
The clapping hands that praise them.
(The scrubbing hands that clean the barf off the upholstery in the brand-new-car.)
The face that gets endless slobbery kisses,
And the heart that swells as fast as my children grow.

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Christen said...

Love it, Stef!

The Hoods said...

Did you write that? That is so perfect! Somedays, I really don't want to be the mommy! Thanks for that!

Darbee said...

I love this! Did you write it? You're quite the poet! Anyway, I'm glad you found me! I will send you an invite for sure. This way we can better stay in touch... even though it's so silly that we're not better at it, when you just live up the street! :-) We should get together sometime soon, with some of the neighborhood girls... do lunch or something!

Tiffany said...

perfectly said!

Wendy said...

Bring the slobbery kisses on, especially after a hard day!

Mindy said...

I love reading your blog. It's so fun to be experinecing the same things with our kids and our families to be so similiar. you always write just how I feel and never express it near so well. Very cute, by the way.

kristi said...

Awesome Stef. I agree completely!!!

Jeni said...

Aww...that was so cute, sweet, perfectly said! Some days you can't live with it, some days you can't live without it. Love ya - you are such a cute mommy!

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a poet you are! The funny thing is, the whole time you WERE the kid, you kept asking when you could grow up and be a mommy!