
You Better Not Pout!

So now that Makaylee is old enough to understand, I can totally see why parents have carried on the Santa Claus tradition for so long. This time of year is awesome as a parent! Every time Makaylee starts to pout or cry, I remind her that Santa is making up his naughty and nice lists, and she instantly perks up and behaves well! Today, after I mentioned Santa, her eyebrows crinkled together and looked like she was concentrating really hard. She finally said "How can Santa hear us so well?" And then answered her own question: "Santa can hear us so well because he has really good. . . Ear-sight, Hu!"
He he he, I Just love the way kids brains work!

1 comment:

kristi said...

Such a SMART girl! How creative to see how she combines the two things. I guess she has the creative-ness in her genes though!