
Oops I Did It Again!

I've done this once before in my life, and I SWORE I would never do it again! None-the-less, on Monday, someone called and wanted to see our house (our home is halfheartedly on the market.) I had about two hours notice, and two sick kids, so getting it clean and ready to show was almost impossible. People look everywhere, so you can't just stash anything in closets or the basement ect. Well, I did almost get it clean, with 15 minutes to spare, and then I remembered the 4 loads of clean laundry that needed to be put away. (Thanks to Sonya's quick thinking, I shoved that in the car!) Then I ran downstairs to double check everything, and noticed a few dishes in the sink. The dishwasher was full and clean, so I couldn't put the dirty dishes in there. So I quickly grabbed a plastic tray, stacked the dishes on it and shoved it deep into the oven (saying to myself several times "Do not forget to take these out of the oven after they leave!") Well, I did forget - until last night - when I preheated the oven. The oven beeped that it was ready, and I went to put our dinner in, and out came lost of nasty smoke! I looked deep in the oven and found this awful sticky mess! Now, I SWEAR I will never do this again!!!


Jeni said...

Oh my goodness!!! I was going to make you feel better and say that I have done that myself several times...but I can't top that mess. how the heck did you get it out?! Did you cry? (I woulda!)

Stef said...

Luckily, when it cooled, it just kind of peeled off the bottom, but the plastic was wrapped around the wires, so I had to break it off with pliers! Ugh!

jkimball said...

I am so sorry. It looks like you need a bigger car to stash everything in when someone comes to look at the house. Is that a good arguement to give Terry for your crossover?!

Akaela and Jason said...

You're moving???? It seems like you guys haven't been in that house to long. It was funny to see the pictures of your oven.I am glad it came out.

Holly said...

WOW! That is quite the mess. I've never seen anything like it! I'm sure that's one of those things that's really funny after it happens.

The Hoods said...

Okay, that sucks!! You're Moving?!?! How do you even clean something like that up out of your oven?

kristi said...

SORRY STEF!! I can't believe how that melted. I hope you were able to get it clean enough. Especially before someone else came to look at the house :) Where are you looking to move to?