
A Funny Conversation

On the way home from preschool the other day, Makaylee and I had a funny little conversation. She was telling me that she got to be the VIP today, and that Jack didn't. Then the conversation went like this.
Makaylee: "But, Jack is not my boyfriend!"
Me: "Good"
Her: "But when I get big, will I have a boyfriend"
Me: "No, we don't like boyfriends"
Her: "Why?"
Me: "Because, they are Icky!"
Her: "No they are not! I love boyfriends!"
Oh, her father would have died if he was there! What is she learning in preschool! She still doesn't know all her letters, but she is sure learning interesting "street stuff" from the other kids!
A few days later she told me that she was going to marry Rowen!
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1 comment:

Stacey said...

These pictures are so cute. Rowen is growing so fast! Looks like you had a fun Halloween too! They look cute in their little costumes!