

As I look in the mirror- I can't help but see
That the face looking back is 30-year-old-me.

Oh, how did this happen- how did the seasons fly?
Was I even paying attention as my youth passed me by?

Am I what I pictured-when I was in my dawn,
When I wondered what I'd be like with 3 decades gone?

No, the truth is-I couldn't even have perceived
All of the blessings I have been so lucky to receive.

Or how my heart could swell- it's original size time three
With every branch we have added to our family tree.

So while these years have been just a little bit unkind,
It's only to my silhouette, and newly forming laugh lines.
--Stef 2011

1 comment:

BensonFam said...

Love it!! (Seriously - is turning thirty not the strangest feeling?)