
Borderline Personality Disorder: 101

People (usually women) with this disorder present with highly unstable moods. They often feel as though they lacked a certain level of nurturing while growing up and, as a result, incessantly seek a higher level of caretaking from others as adults. This may be achieved through manipulation of others, leaving them often feeling empty, angry, and abandoned, which may lead to desperate and impulsive behavior including self harming and in extreme cases suicide attempts.

Sorry for the psych babble, but I have been working with a lot of women with Borderline Personality Disorder lately, and they can be extremely challenging! (I guess I need to vent!)

This week I worked with a sweet lady that seemed happy and was socializing well with the group for the first few hours. However, I noticed her mood change when we went down to dinner, and she refused to get a tray. We had a little chat about proper nutrition to no avail -- until we returned to the unit and I finally talked her into eating an orange. I watched her peel it, and then another patient drew my attention away. A few minutes later I noticed her slip into the bathroom -- when she came out I asked her if she ate the orange. "Half of it" she said shyly.

"What happened to the other half?" I probed.

"Well, . . . I flushed it down the toilet." She admitted (What!? ) Then, she went into her room and closed her door.

I followed her: "Do you want to talk about anything?. . . (Silence) . . .Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I am just really tired, I think." She said sluggishly.

I reminded her that she needed to keep her door open, and she agreed.

I was hyperaware of her bizarre mood change, so I went to check on her again all of 5 minutes later and I found her self harming! I guess she had pulled the wire out of a spiral notebook earlier in the day and hidden it. She was using it's sharp edge now to superficially cut herself a ton of times from her wrist to her elbow!

Luckily, she eagerly agreed to hand over the contraband, and I helped her clean and bandage the ugly wounds. She apologized profusely the whole time!! She said that she was just feeling really sad and lonely because only one person had come to visit her in the week she been admitted. (Although it's hard to understand, they use the physical pain from self harming to distract them from the emotional pain that is far more overwhelming to them.)


Daddy's Girl

Having a baby that is a "Daddy's Girl" is fun, adorable, and charming. . . IF YOU ARE THE DAD. But, to the sensitive Mom it is not quite so cute! She likes me okay when it is just her and I, but the moment Daddy gets home from work, she uses my face like a sprinters block to push off of -- into Daddy's arms! I guess it kind of makes things even, since Rowen is an unapologetic Mama's Boy, and Makaylee is just too discreet to let us know either way. But still, when I take her out of Terrill's arms and she whimpers and reaches for him it does break my heart just a little bit!

I was trying to read "Sleeping Beauty" to her the other day and she just kept shoving my hand out of the way and flipping it back to the front cover and saying "Dada, Dada, DADA!!" I guess she thought the picture of Prince Charming looked like her Daddy. (To my dismay, she didn't even notice Sleeping Beauty's long blond hair, and call her Mama!)



My dad called her "Pinkie" when she was only a few months old. Can you imagine why the nickname stuck--with those adorable pink cheeks? (Not to mention her pink bedroom, pink earrings, pink clothes, pink chair, pink blankets. . .) We sure are in love with this funny little pink girl of ours! Not a day goes by that I don't wish I had a pause button-- to keep her frozen just like this for a few extra years!

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As I look in the mirror- I can't help but see
That the face looking back is 30-year-old-me.

Oh, how did this happen- how did the seasons fly?
Was I even paying attention as my youth passed me by?

Am I what I pictured-when I was in my dawn,
When I wondered what I'd be like with 3 decades gone?

No, the truth is-I couldn't even have perceived
All of the blessings I have been so lucky to receive.

Or how my heart could swell- it's original size time three
With every branch we have added to our family tree.

So while these years have been just a little bit unkind,
It's only to my silhouette, and newly forming laugh lines.
--Stef 2011


Garage Door Letters

Do you want to know what my favorite thing about working part time is? (Well. . .aside from making a little extra money. . .getting a little space. . .and having a few hours a week when I am not called "MOM!") No really, my favorite thing is garage door letters. About once a week, when I get home from work after the kids have gone to bed, there is a paper stuck to the door with a magnet. They are sweet, and funny little letters from Makaylee, to me. Sometimes they tell me of things that happened while I was gone, sometimes they are are little love notes or pictures, but the most comical ones she leaves behind is when she is trying to tell on her Daddy! I have saved some of my favorites. . .
Translation: "Oh dearest Mom, I love you. You are so special!!!! Too. When I see you it makes my cry 'cause you are so pretty and nice."
Translation:" I saw Santa!!!!!!!! I'm serious, I, and Dad, and Rowen saw Santa's Sleigh. Please! Believe me, Please! Say good night to us."
Forgive the water spots. Translation:" I love you Mom and will you say goodnight to me? I love you as much as you love me." (How. Sweet.)
Translation: "Find a penny pick it up, all the days you have good luck." (Real penny attached.)
Translation: "Thank goodness Mommy likes me."
I saved my favorite two for last. . .
Translation: "Lee (Aleeya) 'Standed' for a second or ten." I love how she drew a picture of every ones hands up in the air like they were all so excited!
(I wish this was a better copy.) Translation: "Mom welcome home. Please forgive Dad, he didn't take us to bed. I love you Mom and Dad." He he he!
(I lost the one where she told me about how Dad had threatened to give her a swirly, now that was a classic!)
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I Apologize. . .

Life is busy, and I REALLY did not mean to leave my 72 hour kit list up for two months. . . It just happened. On the humorous note, they asked me to speak on 72 hour kit preparation at the next Relief Society Activity. . . it serves me right! ;)