
I Know Why Mothers Go Grey!

Especially mothers of little boys!

On Halloween we were visiting Terrill's parents. Rowen was holding onto a little table and he suddenly fell straight down and hit his face on the edge HARD! I dove for him, and there was blood everywhere, I couldn't even figure out where the blood was coming from at first. Terry ran in and helped me look in his mouth, and it was a hideous sight. His front tooth, and the smaller one next to it were bent back and almost HORIZONTAL! He couldn't even close his mouth right because his bottom teeth were biting down on the broken top teeth! So, we made an emergency after hours visit to our AWESOME pediatric dentist. Dr. David Johnson. He tried the best he could to move the teeth back into place, but Rowen was screaming bloody murder and I had to leave the room. (I was having flashbacks of the ER from a few weeks ago.) He moved them enough that he was able to close his mouth right, but he told us that the teeth were surely dead and would go dark within a week! How sad to only have 10 teeth, and to have two of them damaged so badly! I just hope he doesn't lose them! Everyone keeps saying "At least they were just his baby teeth!" But when you are only 1 year old, you are supposed to have those baby teeth for at least 6 more years!


Holly said...

Ugh, that is so horrible! That poor kid has a tough life!

cory and tara said...

Oh my gosh! Poor Rowen can't catch a break! I'm sorry Stef!!

Tiffany said...

Okay, so I feel REALLY bad for Rowan, but that picture you put on here is HILARIOUS!!!!!!

Jeni said...

Guess he came with such a sweet little personality for a reason...poor lil guy has had to put up with so much lately!

Kelli said...

Just reading about this made my mouth hurt! I can't imagine how much pain the poor lil guy was in. Sorry Stef!

Dara said...

Hi, I am not sure how I found your blog, but I used to work with your husband. Anyway, I am so sorry about your little boy and his teeth. You are lucky to have a good dentist!! Hope he is feeling better! Please tell Terrill I said Hello!

kristi said...

SORRY STEF!! You sure are a great mom, but I'm sure those stressful moments don't make you feel so great. I'm sorry that happened - and I hope he doesn't lose his teeth too!! Hang in there little Rowen!