
Where Does She Learn This?

4-year-olds say some of the funniest things. Here are a few things KK has said lately that have cracked me up:

I was leaving for work and I said "I love you, forever!"
Makaylee looked at me funny and said "WHAT?!"
I said "I love you forever!"
She giggled and said "I love you HAMBURGER!"

She was stalling her bedtime with Terrill and he started getting frustrated with her. He said in a stern voice "Makaylee, it really is time to go to bed right NOW!"
She looked at him, put her hands on her hips and said "Well, Daddy, I don't think your striped shirt is very handsome!"

She was making a fort with her friends, and was super hyper. I gave her a rug to put in her hideout and she yelled "Yes, Mommy! You are a genius!"


The Hoods said...

I love the things that kids say!! I changed my blog to private, what's your email address and I can invite you in?

Jeni said...

You are a genius. She's pretty darn funny that one!

Christen said...

I chuckled - I love the genius comment. She knows how to work it! :)

kristi said...

Ha ha - they all made me laugh, but I'm still cracking up about Terry's shirt not being very handsome. What a creative little girl you have!!

Sonya said...

you've been tagged!

Wendy said...

those are so dang cute what a smooch head!!