
'Tis the Season

We are getting so excited about Christmas! Makaylee is old enough this year to actually understand it a little bit. We had her picture taken with Santa at the mall. At the time she wasn't too thrilled about it, but we managed to get a weak smile out of her. But everytime she sees the picture of her and Santa on the fridge she says "No Santa, No like a Santa!" Every day she sees it she says it more emphatically! I'm afraid I will have to take the picture down in a few days because she may have a full-out tantrum! (Today in the car "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" came on the radio, and that also set her into a fit.)

Well, here is the newest picture of our house, it's amazing that hardly anything has been done on it in a month! We are getting pretty ornery about it around here when anyone asks about it!! Some day, we may acutally live here, right now it is hard to believe. . . .


Christen said...

We missed you at the party, but it was fun to see Terry and Makaylee (especially Makaylee!) Hopefully she'll start liking Santa once she figures how he brings her presents! :) Merry Christmas!!

Anonymous said...

I got dibs on top bunk!